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100%天然草本,我們的承諾 絕無添加香料 ,色素 , 防腐劑 百分之百天然草本植物萃取 童叟無欺,保證是好茶。原廠一貫作業,堅守品質是我們一貫原則,絕不分裝 不投機,實實在在珍貴好食材,在現代農業生物科技技術精心研發下,世界國際標準: ISO22000 ,HACCP 國際品保雙認證 規定食品供應鏈中、食品安全管理系統的要求下,所生產之養生聖品。


本公司堅持的信念就是”天然 ”,創辦人初剛接觸經營食品之際, 了解很多吃的食材 中間過程 因保存問題,有的食品必須有添加物...但養生講求必須是天然的 健康的 無負擔的 才是真正的現代養生理念

因為知食品安全管理過程一定需嚴謹與熟悉, 所以本公司精心研發提煉採烘培乾燥安全衛生,無塵真空入袋,不需要加任何防腐劑;亦以多年純熟提煉技術取勝,絕不加任何香料的天然草本配方養生茶做健康導向。

每每聽到客人欣喜地回音得知越來越健康的消息,讓我們更堅定地走下去。又由於科技文明人類越來越長壽,但也越來越多文明病痛,尤其一些慢性病痛。更需要一些養生防護讓我們人生增添美麗色彩 。

三代傳承之多年製造專業,精心技術研發製造出各項健康養生茶品 精心研發,高溫烘焙、粉碎、封袋,入盒 。不陽光直射、不潮濕,有效期保證3年 。可燉煮、可沖泡,夏天可冰涼使用 。


~ISO22000國際食品安全管理系統認證 。



ISO是國際標準組織(International Organization for Standardization)的簡稱,於1947年2月23日正式成立,其總部設在瑞士日內瓦,成立之主因是歐洲共同市場為了確保流通全歐洲之產品品質令人滿意,而制訂世界通用的國際標準,以促進標準國際化,減少技術性貿易障礙。


(1) 相關組織需要證明其控制食品安全風險的能力,以便持續提供全程安全的食品,其食品既能滿足消費者的需 求,又符合相應的食品安全條例要求。

(2) 有效控制食品安全風險,以及持續改進產品實現體系,增強顧客滿意度。

專業.健康. 養生

The operating philosophy:

Overall trademark design concept is based on the blue and white and white projection presented: Blue sky snow fly freely express Baifei Hong healthy Granville contingent sound swimming in the clear blue sky. Expect natural health products saint, we can help the community mental and physical health leisurely leap in a brighter future in the Company's final purpose of serving the same as healthy Snapshots.

Years of manufacturing expertise, elaborate technology R & D and manufacturing various health regimen tea carefully developed three generations of tradition, baking, grinding, seal the bag and into the box. Not exposed to direct sunlight, moisture, valid guarantee for three years. Can stew, brew, summer can be cold to use.

~ 100% natural herbs. (Guaranteed to be free of any chemical    substances)
~ ISO22000 food safety management system certification.
~ Mingtai Insurance Product liability insurance of 20 million yuan.

What is ISO22000?

ISO ISO (International Organization for Standardization), was officially established on February 23, 1947, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the main cause of the establishment of the European Common Market in order to ensure product quality is satisfactory circulation throughout Europe, and the formulation of a common international standards in the world, and to promote international standards, and reduce technical barriers to trade.

ISO22000 specified in the food supply chain, the food safety management system requirements:

(1) The relevant organizations need to demonstrate its ability to control food safety risks, in order to continue to provide full safety of food, food that meets the needs of consumers, food safety regulations in accordance with the requirements.

(2) effective control of food safety risks, as well as products to achieve continuous improvement system, and enhance customer satisfaction.

The health tea items: the Daba Mountains Shouwu tea, toon, Cordyceps sinensis tea Anoectochilus tea wholesale and retail.

Professional health regimen

Natural Safety Health. Regimen is our prime demand, all products are 100% natural plant manufacturing environment, safety and health secure security systems certification, so that consumers can feel at ease drinking natural health regimen tea very Welcome tasting. Our health tea products you can feel our intentions

Our health tea making process is rigorous, refined, sharing over the network and you are welcome to buy otherwise promotions, please feel free.

Weihong health tea you drink a healthy life beautiful color

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服務內容: 香椿養生茶,金線蓮養生茶,黃金蟲草茶,漢方首烏茶, 養生食補品

產品配送方式:郵寄, 宅配, 親取

交易/付款方式:現金, ATM轉帳, 貨到付款, 電匯

主要服務地區:台灣北部, 台灣中部, 台灣南部, 台灣東部, 港澳, 大陸, 東南亞, 全國地區